Introducing Our First Local Project!


We are thrilled to introduce our first local project!The Hillside Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden, is a refugee and immigrant empowerment space located in Kent, Washington. The conversion of the space into a garden will provide and promote healthy lifestyles to individuals and families through access to fruits and vegetables. The garden will consist of 50 gardening beds, allowing over 1,000 refugees to grow foods from their countries of origin, gain access to much-needed fruits and vegetables, and interact with their community.Not only is this project about creating access to nutritional food, but also providing information and education on how to preserve, cook, and extend the shelf life of food in order to get the most nutrients. Together with World Relief, King Conservation District, Construction for Change, and other volunteers, an acre of asphalt has been removed from the existing space and garden beds are beginning to take shape. This past weekend, we had the honor of working alongside World Relief to help further the efforts of the project by continuing the building and filling of the garden beds. The next steps are to test the soil for toxins, complete the building of the beds, and install irrigation and compost systems. These tasks are all in preparation for actual planting, which will begin in 2018.In addition and in order to increase community awareness, there will be a full service kitchen adjacent to the garden. The kitchen will increase community awareness by teaching gardeners techniques such as canning, freezing, and fermenting in order to preserve and share foods -- even beyond growing season! Thank you for your constant support! Stay tuned for more details on The Hillside Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden.

BlogIsabel Knox