Meet Matt, our newest Project Manager!

For most of us, quitting our jobs to volunteer in Togo, Africa for a year is a dream, that’s not the case for our newest Executive Project Manager, Matt Renninger.Matt left his job working as a registered landscape architect for a zoological design firm, based in Philadelphia (meaning he was a project manager for multi-million dollar projects both in and outside of the U.S.) to head to Namibia to work for an International Conservation NGO in 2015.He is no stranger to volunteering in areas of need, which is why we are so thrilled to have him join the 30/30 Project and Construction for Change team! Matt started volunteering with CfC in August of 2016, working in Malawi before moving to Togo.As an Executive Project Manager, he and Change Fellow, Carolyn McGunagle, will oversee and facilitate the construction of a maternal and child care unit adjacent to the existing Adabawere Medical Clinic in Togo, which will also see much needed renovations. Once on the ground, Matt, Carolyn and a general contractor hired a crew of local Togolese trade workers. Upon completion of the building the workers will receive a certificate from Construction for Change detailing the training and experience they gained at the project site.This building will provide mothers with care before, during and after delivery, while creating a more usable space for increased patient care in the existing medical clinic.Since he landed in Togo, Matt has helped facilitate pre-construction activities and select a project contractor. Construction has just begun, and is anticipated to be completed in early fall 2017.

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