Meet Tyler, one of our Change Fellows headed to Malawi

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While most are sleeping in after the 4th of July holiday, Tyler Weinbrecht will be catching a plane to Malawi for CfC and the 30/30 Project. Tyler finished his master of science in structural engineering at Stanford University this spring. As graduation approached he started looking for opportunities to travel and apply his knowledge of construction. He first heard of CfC when a friend posted about our Change Fellowships on Facebook. After reading more about our organization he decided to apply. He and two other Change Fellows will be managing the construction of the health clinic we’re building in Malawi for the 30/30 Project.

Since graduating Tyler has traveled to Mexico and Indonesia, while also preparing for his trip by learning Chichewa, the language spoken most commonly in Malawi. Tyler is most looking forward to seeing the country and building relationships with Malawians.

“I think that’s one of the coolest things about traveling—getting to meet people,” he said.

Tyler and two other Change Fellows headed to Malawi are halfway through their pre-trip training with CfC. They will be taking off this Saturday, July 5th! Stay tuned to hear more about our Change Fellows and ongoing projects. Thank you Tyler for dedicating your time and knowledge to managing this project!

If you’d like to read more about Tyler, take a look at this article written about him in May.

UPDATE: Last week CfC and the 30/30 Project met with Dr. Julie McElrath of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr McElrath is the senior vice president and director of the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division. We were so impressed by the HIV vaccine research that is conducted at their facility!

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Teresa Hillis