Oh What A Night!



We had an amazing night at Big Daddy’s Antiques last Saturday celebrating the 30/30 Project and our three years of building healthcare! The night was packed with fun surprises, amazing food and entertainment along with an appeal to continue bringing healthcare to those who need it most.This was our inaugural Building Health fundraiser, and we are elated to announce that we more than doubled our fundraising goal, allowing us to build three more healthcare facilities. These buildings will bring quality medical care to thousands of people in communities that desperately need healthcare options.Thank you to everyone who gave generously toward our big vision of building 30 medical facilities. We are so grateful to our committed partners who helped make this night a success including our many donors, sponsors and vendors. The Lewis family, Construction for Change and the 30/30 Project team could not build these facilities without an army of allies and friends banding together in this endeavor. We are encouraged and empowered to meet our goal of 15 funded healthcare facilities by the end of 2017!We appreciate our generous community!Julie Lewis

Thank you to Shutterbus for these fantastic photos!

BlogMacKenzie Junor